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 Setting up a V62 Pserver

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Setting up a V62 Pserver Vide
PostSubject: Setting up a V62 Pserver   Setting up a V62 Pserver EmptyMon Jan 25, 2010 4:53 pm

Hey guys! Just thought I'd throw together a quick and simple tutorial on how to make a version .62 Maplestory Private Server. I haven't been on these forums in awhile, so i figured a lot of people need help. By the looks of it i'm correct. so here you go.

Its going to be very easy. I set one up in maybe 30 minutes or less depending what you have to download. If u have to download a lot this will take more time.

It seems kind of long but it is somewhat in-depth.

So here it goes.


Hexeditor: www.hexworkshop.com
You might need Net beans to compile. http://download.netbeans.org/netbeans/6.1/final/

Step ONE:
Things that needed to be downloaded. (Required to download ALL)

KiKi Localhost: Here http://www.megashare.com/549307

MySQL Query Browser: Here http://www.brothersoft.com/mysql-que...ows-71868.html

MySQL Serv 5.0: Here http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.html#win32

Version .62 Repack: Here(This is ThePack coded by Moogra http://www.mediafire.com/?mmnzodjjumj

Wamp Server: Here http://www.wampserver.com/en/download.php

Version 62 XML files: Here http://www.mediafire.com/?0zgyukhgzmn

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 6 Update 11: Here http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp

JCE Unlimited Strength Files: Here http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp

ADDED: Maplestory v62 setup: Here http://games.on.net/file/22367/Maple_Story_Client_v6.2/


Okay after you have all that downloaded, here's:

Step Two:

* Set up Wamp server. After installed, run the program.
* On the bottom right hand of your screen where the volume control is, you'll see the Wamp Server icon
* Left click it and click "Put online"
* Then left click it once more and click start all services.

And that's it for Wamp Server.


Step Three:

* Install the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 6 Update 11 that you should have already downloaded. If not, download and install.
* After installing, open up the JCE Unlimited Strength Files that you also should have already downloaded, if not, do so now.
* Inside the JCE Unlimited Strength Files folder, There will be 4 files.
* Copy: legal_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar
* Now place them in the corrosponding folders:


Repack > Dist
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\lib
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\lib
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\lib\ext
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\lib\security
Overwrite the old ones if the box pops up.

DO NOT MESS THIS PART UP, follow the steps carefully

And that is it for java, which is one of the more complicated steps.


Step Four:

Now to set up MySQL:

* Install MySQL Server 5.0, which you should have downloaded.
* Then Install MySQL query Browser. Enter in the same password you used for the previous step. If you didn't enter a password, simply leave it blank.
* In Query Browser, click file, then click open script.
* Now find where you saved the repack and open up "thepack.sql" which can be found in the SQL's folder.
* Execute "thepack.sql"
* Then, Execute the rest of the SQLs in that folder.

TA-DA! now your done with SQL set up.


Step Five:

Now we will be editing your .properties file in your source pack.

* Go to your repack and find db.properties.
* Open it with notepad and enter in the correct MySQL Database information. This step is CRUCIAL to getting your server running correctly.
* Enter the password you entered in when you set you the SQL server.
* Save and close.
* Now open world.properties.
* Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you will see a place to enter in your ip.
* I am NOT showing you how to port forward, if you want to use your WAN IP you HAVE to port forward unless your don't have a router and you just use a modem. There are some guides already to show you how to port forward.
* So at the bottom of world.properties, enter in your hamachi IP or WAN IP (only if port forwarded) and this is where you can edit your server name and message to.
* If you are just using this as a test server, just put for the IP
* Now open login.properties.
* You will see this: net.sf.odinms.world.host=localhost at the top. Leave it as localhost if you are using your WAN IP or as an IP. If you are using hamachi, then replace "localhost" with your hamachi ip.
* Now open channel.properties
* You will see this: net.sf.odinms.world.host=localhost at the top. Leave it as localhost if you are using your WAN IP or as an IP. If you are using hamachi, then replace "localhost" with your hamachi ip.

And that's IT for properties files.


Step Six:

Now for the v62 XML files you downloaded eariler.

* Extract to desktop by right-clicking and clicking "extract here"
* After extracting to the desktop, rename the file "wz"
* place in your repack where all the property files are.

And that's all for wz files.


Step Seven:

Starting your brand new server.

* Now you can do it by simply running "starter.bat" and typing start. But i prefer doing it another way incase there are any errors you can see them
* To do so, simply run in this order exactly:

Extra Step:
Compile using Netbeans. See Tut on how to compile.
I have made this thread to inform you that you can compile with NetBeans.

Download the one furthest to the right, which includes all the languages.
You never know when you might need to use something rather than Java.

After downloading and installing NetBeans ; open it up, depending on your computer processor speed/RAM.
It may take a while to start.

Next, click file and click on New Project.
In categories, choose Java.
In project, choose Java project with Existing source.
Click next after and Put in what every you want for the project name. Ex. OdinMs
For project folder, navigate to your OdinMs folder.
Click next after and then click add folder for Source Project Folders.
Once again, navigate to your OdinMs folder and open src.
In the next step, you can just click finish.

Next, click on Build at the top, then click on "Build Main Project".
When your done, navigate to your OdinMs folder then to "your project name" and open the folder dist and rename the file yourprojectname.jar to OdinMS.jar
Next, Copy the the renamed file and go back to your OdinMs folder and open dist and paste it in that folder, over writing the old odinms.jar file.
When your done start World.bat, login.bat and channel.bat

Fix your 100 errors.

Originally Posted by Izman

Load up all your sources, to do this, go: File > New Project > Java Project from Existing Sources
Make a name for your Project, It can be anything.

For the sources, choose your "src" folder

When it's done building, to the LEFT of your screen right click on "Libraries" and say "Add Jar/Zip File"

Browse to your .jar files (which are mina-core.jar, mysql-java... ect) and insert them all.

Your project should now compile just fine xD!!! Thanks to Formless for the info, but I just figured it out myself before he posted :'(



          wait 5 seconds


          Wait 5 seconds



It is recommended that you hex edit the local host to your wan ip.

or you can Setup KiKi localhost:

* Open up the KiKi file you should have downloaded already.
* Then open kiki.cfg in notepad
* If you notice, there is already an IP there. Leave it at that IP if it is just a test server. If not, then replace it with your WAN IP (if you port forwarded) or your hamachi IP if your using hamachi.
* Save and close. now send that out to people to play!👍
It is recommened

Credit:TheRealEpic from Ragezone and Me
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